
Calling all Volunteers

July 12, 2011

This Thursday, from 7:00-8:30 pm at Surfrider Headquarters (see map), we will be conducting a Volunteer Orientation meeting.

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Evacuation Sign Campaign Gets Underway

July 8, 2011

In a couple of days, volunteers had assembled and distributed 200 evacuation signs donated by David Crosby and Graham Nash.

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Evacuation Sign in the NEWS

July 7, 2011

San Clemente Green is pleased to be working in conjunction with Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility ( on this aspect of our awareness campaign.

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June 23, 2011

We’ve missed getting together with San Clemente Green at large so we wanted to throw a little party! Meet us on Wednesday, June 29th at 6:00 PM just north of the San Clemente Pier.

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Resolution to SHUT DOWN SONGS

June 11, 2011

Read about the rejected Resolution here See the attached Resolution below…

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Tsunami Wall Deception

June 7, 2011

Open attachment to see graphic illustration demonstrating the industry’s unethical standards.

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Mayor Sends Letters re: Spent Fuel and Evacuation Routes

June 4, 2011

Letters from the Mayor and City Council were sent to Senators Harry Reid, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Secretary of Energy – Steven Chu, and Congressman Ken Calvert.

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I call INTERFERENCE- Well intentioned initiative gets fouled

May 29, 2011

See how twisted an “unbiased ” source can be. Costs of Shut Down exaggerated while Threat is downplayed. Did someone get to our non-political government agency to tweak the message?

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A historical-factual review of Chernobyl

May 29, 2011

What happened in Chernobyl is much worse than we have been led to believe. Watch this when you have some time.

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200 pounds of dead seagulls clog roof drains at SONGS and floods diesel back up generators!

May 24, 2011

What causes 200 pounds of seagulls to die in the first place? This is like the Canary in the Coal mine.

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