NRC’s request for more data from Edison is an encouraging development for those communities concerned about any hasty restart of a defective Unit 2 nuclear reactor. We are cautiously optimistic to see the NCR follow up with such comprehensive questions.
In a long list from the NRC’s Request for Additinal Information (RAI) question #32 directly impacts Edison?s operating license. Apparently Edison will have to completely redo their calculations for their operational assessment to demonstrate tube integrity at 100% power, not just at 70%. They may have to apply for a license amendment for operation at reduced power, which would likely give the public the much sought after the opportunity for trial-like hearing. Another outcome might be that that the Replacement Steam generators (RSGs) will prove to be inoperable at 100% power which we hope would lead Edison to determine it is time for an early decommission.
All in all, NRC is showing some willingness to exercise their power over an industry that is accustomed to getting easy approvals.