Here’s a way to save millions of motorists’ need for gas
Here’s a way to save millions of motorists’ need for gas
San Clemente’s elected leaders support a national grass-roots campaign to
develop a battery-powered car called a PHEV.
San Clemente is joining a national grass-roots campaign to tell automakers
that a market exists today for a battery-powered car that could eliminate
millions of Americans’ need to buy gas.
It’s called the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, or PHEV.
A movement that started in Texas, called Plug-In Partners," wants to get
Detroit to produce cars with battery packs able to power a vehicle 20 to 60
"Considering that half the cars on America’s roads are driven 25 miles a day
or less, a plug-in vehicle with a 25-mile range battery could eliminate gasoline
use in the daily commute of millions of Americans," City Hall’s David Lund said
in a report to the City Council. "The cost of an equivalent electric gallon of
gas is estimated to be less than $1. PHEVs use the same technology as the
popular hybrids on the road today, but they have a larger battery that can be
recharged by plugging into a standard home outlet."
At its meeting last week, the City Council adopted a resolution supporting
the campaign, joining 72 other cities, 36 counties, 168 public power utilities
and dozens of other agencies and organizations. To learn more, visit
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