

February 18, 2012

The word from insiders at the plant is that the problem stems from pipes being configured in such a way as to have unintentionally created a situation where

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Open Letter to San Clemente City Council – Request for Response

February 17, 2012

Mayor and Councilmembers,

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No Nuclear Power 16 Days and Counting

February 16, 2012

They tell us we can’t live without it, yet here we are.

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Pro Surfer and Nuclear Activist is booked for our 3/10&11 events!

February 15, 2012

Kyle Thiermann says…

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San Onofre update and coming events

February 13, 2012

Update… There was a leak of radiation about two weeks ago due to failing parts in the new generators for which rate payers just paid $640 million. The amount

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Helen Caldicott interview

February 11, 2012

Great overview about Japan’s crisis and nuclear power…!

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Kyle Thiermann is Kyle Ourmann when it comes to nuclear power! See this video!

February 11, 2012
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Events in the making! Fukushima Remembered 0n 3/10 & Protest on 3/11

February 11, 2012

Please help us plan and make this event happen with donations of time and/or treasure. San Onofre is shut down right now, 12 days and counting, with no effect on our power. Let’s keep it that way.

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Results from BIG Tuesday (2 CC mtgs)

February 9, 2012

We had to split the group, but we managed to score at both City Council Meetings Tuesday night. Great press and TV news coverage in San Clemente.

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We have TWO City Council meetings re: San Onofre TONIGHT – Please attend one if you can.

February 7, 2012

For all of those near San Clemente, please try to make an appearance at our City Council Meeting TONIGHT. 6:00pm at City Hall 100 Avenida Presidio (Oral Communications Part 1 – not

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