
New York Times – Nuclear Agency Is Criticized as Too Close to Its Industry

May 9, 2011

NRC IssuesThe New York TimesFULL STORY –

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DECOMMISSION SONGS – Special Presentation to City Council on 5-17-11

May 8, 2011

San Clemente City Council granted our request last week to put us on the agenda for May 17 at 6:00pm, 100 Avenida Presidio, San Clemente, CA

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SC GREEN on Panel re: Safety at SONGS – South OC Democratic Club

May 7, 2011

General Meeting, South Orange County Democratic Club, Wednesday, May 11, 2011 : The safety of (SONGS) San Onofre Nuclear Generating  Station

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An Easy Way to Challenge Nuclear Power

May 6, 2011

We are all challenged in these difficult economic times to just keep up with the bills, along with our busy schedules and other family activities.

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Video from NRC Protest

May 3, 2011

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A Retrospect on Our First Attempt at Holding a Protest

April 29, 2011

News Story 1 –

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More on the NRC Protest

April 26, 2011

Protest against the NRC for allowing safety issues to persist at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) along with many other major concerns we have about nuclear power.

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NRC Meeting on April 28th – 6:00 pm

April 22, 2011

Come here on April 26th for an update and more details on this topic.

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Flier to hand out at all Earth Day events

April 16, 2011

Please print attachment and take with you wherever you go and send this flier to others who might spread the word. Thanks!

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SOS …—… San Onofre Safety in the news again / GET INVOLVED!

April 16, 2011

As things continue to worsen in Japan, the debate at home heats up.

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